Montag, 24. September 2018

Trip to Yosemite National Park

Last weekend we went on a trip to Yosemite National Park - on of the most famous and most beautiful national parks in the US.
As a group of 15 people consisting of people from Denmark, Germany, US, and Mexico we rented a Airbnb close to the park.
On the first day we did a 6 hour hiking trip and tried to explore some waterfalls. On the second day we went swimming in a lake and discovered some more places by car.
I already knew the park, but it was definitely worth going there again.

For everyone who is interested: we hiked the trail up to the Nevada Falls and then down on the John Muir trail.

Some impressions of the two days :)

The "Tunnel View" 

Second Day:) 

On our way back we stopped at a ranch and ate dinner at a typical American restaurant/bar. 

Freitag, 7. September 2018

The first days at Berkeley

Hi there,

I haven´t postet something for quite a long time, but I decided to start with some blogging again.

As some of you might know, I am currently at the University of California Berkeley where I am part of the Berkeley Haas Global Access Program.

So far, it has been absolutely amazing and I learn a lot here every day.
I will soon post more about my academic and personal experience here soon, but for now here are some pictures from our short trip to San Francisco, which is only around 30 minutes away from Berkeley.

The weather wasn't so nice, but this is quite normal here. Nevertheless, I really enjoy the climate here, because its just perfect for any kind of outdoor activities.

I will keep you posted soon!:)